Learn to Live a More Abundant Life through Slow Travel

We started Nomadic Abundance to help you reduce your OVERWHELM while preparing to begin a life of full or part-time travel abroad.

Nomadic Abundance membership is designed to provide the resources and guidance to help make your preparation for the slow travel life as smooth as possible. 

Nomadic Abundance logo

We’re living an abundant life abroad through full time travel,

will you join us?


We are Joel & Michelle

Having sold nearly all of our possessions including our home in 2019 we have been slow traveling ever since. We don’t just quickly visit destinations, but rather we choose to live in each destination for a more enriching experience.

We have been writing about our travels in the form of guides, itineraries and tips crafted from our personal experiences as slowmads on our sister site wanderinghartz.com and even documenting some of those experiences, both the good and the bad, with videos on youtube.

We are building Nomadic Abundance to help you learn how to live a more abundant life through slow travel.

Will you join us?